Signs Etc Receives Tradition and Progress Award

On Friday, April 12th, 2019 Signs Etc was presented by the Farmington Regional Chamber of Commerce with the Tradition and Progress award at the Celebration of Success Awards Banquet. This award was given “in recognition of business success for over 25 years that honors the spirit of our community and makes the Parkland Region a stronger place to live and work."
In 1992, Keven Harrington’s Dad sold his billboard business where Keven had worked since he was 15 years old. In March of that year, he and his wife Lynn purchased vinyl sign making equipment, which was the latest technology in the sign industry, creating the newest signage and vehicle lettering in this area at that time. Signs Etc made its home on Weber Road in Farmington and continued to grow year after year.
Throughout the next several years, Keven showed his dedication to his home town by serving on the Board of the Farmington Regional Chamber Board and also as President. He has also been a member of the Farmington Lion's Club, St. Francois Co Rotary, served on the Farmington RVII School Board, and currently serves as a Director for Ozarks Federal. Keven has also assisted many other civic organizations, religious groups, and athletic teams through volunteering and donations.
In 2009, Keven and Lynn were very honored to be voted as the 30th Mr. and Mrs. Country Days and enjoyed representing Farmington in all the festivities.
In 2013, Keven was awarded the Dale Carnegie Outstanding Performance Award and the Crashing Through Award, and in 2014 was awarded the Dale Carnegie Recognition Award for Sales Success.
In 2015, Keven and Lynn had the privilege of constructing their current facility on Karsch Boulevard at the intersection of 32 and OO where 13 team members are employed throughout the year. With this newly found workspace, Signs Etc is able to house new equipment to aide in sign, awning, and handrail fabrication.
"As any entrepreneur knows, any success a business experiences is contributed by two factors: Great team members and fantastic customers that allow us to work with them day after day, year after year. We feel very blessed for all the relationships we have made over the years and look forward to many, many more years to come." ~Keven and Lynn Harrington